We believe in providing top-notch gymnastics classes for children of all ages and levels. Our classes are designed to cater to all ages and levels. With experienced and certified instructors, we create a safe and nurturing environment for your child to develop their gymnastics skills and build their confidence. Whether your gymnast is beginner or advanced, our comprehensive program ensures they receive the personalized attention they need to excel. What more than recreational classes, be sure to ask about our team programs.
60 Minute Class
Ages 6+ Years
Recreational classes are designed to provide a fun and relaxed atmosphere for children ages six to fourteen that want to learn gymnastics. Classes are focused on the four Olympic events for girls, (Vault, Bars, Beam, and Floor) and the six Olympic events for boys (Floor, Pommel Horse, Rings, Vault, Parallel Bars, and High Bar). Each class includes activities and challenges that promote all around physical and mental well-being. Incline Gymnastics offers girls and boys recreational gymnastics classes with three levels consisting of Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced tiers. Each child will move through the levels at their own pace, with the guidance of Incline Gymnastics instructors.
60 Minute Class
Ages 6+ Years
This is a multi level gymnastics class is for recreational gymnasts'. This class is designed for boys of different abilities with an emphasis on increasing skill level in a positive and fun atmosphere. This class develops strength, flexibility, and balance, with a focus on teaching overall functional fitness, and the fundamentals for gymnastics and all sports. You will enjoy watching your son learn and have fun as he practices gymnastics skills on each of the Olympic events. Boys will learn significant skill progressions on Floor Exercise, pommel horse/mushroom, Still Rings, Vault, Parallel Bars, High Bar and the Trampoline.
60 Minute Class
Ages 6+ Years
This class is for ages 6 and up and is designed for those who want to explore alternative movements outside of what is found in conventional gymnastics. Students will learn how to train safely, followed by how to navigate various environments efficiently and creatively. The curriculum is structured to focus on the personal goals and styles of each athlete. Progressions for specific skills are still structured for the safety of the students, but it is up to each individual how they want to apply their abilities and express themselves through movement. Students will do various skills between trampoline, Tumbl-Trak, and the floor.
4 Hours per Week
Ages 14+ Years
The High School Gymnastics Class is geared toward athletes who are competing for their local High School Gymnastics Teams. This class practices two times a week for two hours for a total of four hours each week. This class is self guided and taught by local High School Gymnastics coaches. Athletes work toward their goals for the upcoming High School season.
We offer a wide variety of programs. Check out everything we have to offer below.